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Academisation consultation

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Frequently asked questions regarding Meadow Vale Primary School's proposal to convert to academy status with the King's Group Academies Trust:

Will the name of the school change?

Yes, it is likely that Meadow Vale Primary School will be known as King's Academy Meadow Vale but this is yet to be confirmed.

Will the uniform change?

There will be changes to the school's uniform over time but we will ensure that the cost of uniform is affordable for all parents. There is likely to be a small change to the logo. For current children, this cost will be met by King's Group Academies, not by parents and carers.

Will the school day or term change?

There are no plans to change the school's term dates that have already been published. Term dates and INSET days will eventually fall in line with those of Kings Academy Binfield and Oakwood. However, from September 2024, the government have stated that all schools (whether they are an academy or not) must provide education for 32.5 hours per week and this may mean a slight change to the timings of the school day. We will provide further information to you about this in due course.

Will Meadow Vale's academic or pastoral curriculum change?

No, one of the reasons the governors wanted to work alongside Kings Group Academies was due to the fact that the school retains its autonomy over the curriculum. However, as in the case now, we will continue to review our curriculum offer to ensure that it is of the highest quality for every child at Meadow Vale.

Will the school's responsibilities in relation to a special educational needs and disabilities (SEND) change?

All responsibilities as an academy, in relation to SEND, will be the same as they are now. The school will still work alongside Bracknell Forest's SEND team to ensure that children's needs are me

Will the admission arrangements for children change?

We will retain the admissions criteria we currently use and have no plans to changes in the near future. Any future changes that may be suggested will be consulted on and these arrangements and related processes must comply with the Schools Admissions Code.

If there are more academies how do local parents have a fair choice of schools?

The Local Authority continue to have overall responsibility for ensuring that there are sufficient places to meet demand locally and all academies are required to participate in the local coordination of admissions applications for school places. Applications by parents are made to the local authority who will notify the Academy of the application; this is the same as the current arrangements

Will the school have enough money to pay for the services it needs?

Yes, the school will not be financially disadvantaged by a move to academy status. Academies receive the same level of per pupil funding as they would if they were in the local authority. In addition, additional money is given to cover the services that are no longer provided for academies by the Local Authority. The government is clear that becoming an academy should not bring financial advantage or disadvantage to school; however, academies have greater freedom on how they use their budget. King's Group Academies receives a capital grant every year which is spent in their academies according to need, so they can ensure that urgent and important projects can be prioritised. There is a range of purchases which King's Group Academies make, which saves money for all of its academies.

Will the governing body in the future be made up in the same way?

There will be a local governing body for the school as part of the Kings academy trust. This will enable us to ensure that the school benefits from shared resources.

What will happen to the staff team at Meadow Vale Primary School?

There will be no changes to the structure of the staff team or the terms and conditions of service of our existing staff team will remain the same as part of the Transfer of Undertakings Protection of Employment rights (TUPE).

Are staff jobs secure?

Yes, there will be no employment changes as a result of the conversion to academy status.

Will Ofsted inspections continue?

The school will still be subject to Ofsted inspection; the position is the same whether schools are academies or maintained by the Local Authority.

Contact Us

Meadow Vale Primary School, Moordale Avenue, Priestwood, Bracknell, Berkshire, RG42 1SY